简 介: |
“莎娜美”品牌 - 前身是屬於耀昌行貿易公司,於1985年成立;當時主要經營內衣批發業務;
經過接近二十年在女性內衣上之不斷努力,今天“莎娜美” 之專業內衣技術和經驗,
The Label "Satami"- "originated from the former company name Yiu Cheung Hong Trading Co."was first introduced in 1985. In almost twenty years history, the Satami group has been diligent working in the field of ladies intimate apparel. Every garment presented by Satami not
only embodies the basic demand of functionality in an undergarment, but encompasses
trendiness, quality, uniqueness, individuality and taste in one. Instructing ladies to realize
their real figures and individuality by implementing a theory of "Undergarment Outfit".
We call this theory "Mix & Match". This is the real soul of Satami.