澳利鑫五金厂本着“质量和信誉求生存,技术和管理求发展的宗旨,追求“以人为本 用户至上”的服务理念,围绕“精益求精 精简高效”的经营方针,遵循“全球家庭新选择”的品牌发展战略,以质量信誉求生存,以科技求效益,以品牌促发展的战略方针,将为振兴民族工业,造世界上最好的不锈钢厨卫五金产品而奋斗到底。
Foshan Aolx hardware products factory is one of the most large-scale production enterprise in China. With research and development, production and selling of stainless steel kitchen & bathroom display rack, accessories, shelf, and other hardware accessories. Products cover kitchen & bathroom hardware stainless steel series, more than 100 varieties. Enterprises in the standardization, systematization, specialization of management mechanism, make us quickly to stand out among the same industry at home, product sales network all over the country, radiation, and exported to more than 80 countries and regions in the world, is China's one of the most advanced enterprise in producing stainless steel hardware products.