企业简介淄博瑞进化工设备有限公司位于中国搪玻璃设备之乡----山东省淄博市张店区傅家镇,紧邻309国道,交通便利,地理位置优越。我厂集科研、生产、贸易于一体,是淄博市化工设备主要生产厂家之一。本公司主要生产、加工K/F50—50000L系列的搪玻璃反应釜,碳素钢、低合金钢、高合金钢(不锈钢)制的压力容器、换热器、贮存容器、搪玻璃碟片式冷凝器、搪玻璃搅拌器、温度计套管、各种搪玻璃管道、弯头、三通、四通等并可定做的各种非标设备。近年来我公司不断从事技术革新,改进生产工艺,提高技术水平,生产研发的新产品为化工行业提高产品质量、延长设备使用寿命做出了突出的贡献,产品远销台湾、韩国、日本、越南、印度、马来西亚、新加坡、俄罗斯等国家过并受到了国内外用户的一致好评。公司本着“追求客户满意,是你我的责任”的服务宗旨,重信誉、守合同,严把产品质量关,热诚欢迎广大用户前来咨询考察,洽谈业务! BRIEF INTRODUCTION Zibo Ruijin Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd. Located in Fujia Town, Zhangdian Dist, Zibo city, Shandong province; is a large scale enterprise integrating scientific research, manufacture and commerce integration, especially in producing glass lined equipments. The traffic is very convenient and its geographic position is superior. Main products include glass lined equipment such as reactor (50L-50000L series ),storage tank, agitator ,disk type condenser, temperature pocket, pipes and all kinds of fittings; We also have the right to design and manufacture other equipments made of carbon steel, Low and high alloy steel, stainless steel etc., such as non-standard pressure vessels ,heat exchanger , storage tank and so on which are made of glass lined steel, carbon steel and stainless steel .With the advanced equipment, strong technology force , perfect detection means and strict quality controls, we could manufacture type I and Ⅱ low and intermediate pressure vessels of high quality, safety and durability. Products are exported and sold well in Taiwan,South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Russia and other countries.Welcome clients all over the world for business contact. 企业文化:Corporate culture:瑞进人的信念:诚信恒久 瑞意进取Belief of Ruijin: To be faithfully forever, we can go further.瑞进人的价值观: 精准求实,信誉至上,创新致远。Valves of Ruijin: Precise to the fact; credit comes first, innovate for development.公司宗旨:追求客户满意,是你我的责任。Customer satisfaction is our duty.