泊头市达昌机械装备制造有限公司位于渤海之滨”铸造之乡”的泊头市,北依首都北京及传统的工商业名城天津,靠近横贯南北的京沪铁路、京沪高速公路及104、106国道,交通十分便利,是由市机械修造厂改制而来的民营企业。我公司铸造经验丰富,拥有雄厚的技术实力和丰富的生产经验,持有国家铸铁平台量具生产许可证,率先通过ISO9001质量体系认证,经省、市计量技术监督局连续不定的抽样检验,各项技术指标均达到或超过国家鉴定规程要求,被省市两级有关部门授予“重合同、守信誉”单位" Took the lead through the ISO9001 quality system certification, by the provincial, municipal and Technical Supervision continuous variable measuring the sample tests on various technical indicators have reached or exceeded national accreditation procedures request, two provincial and municipal authorities have been awarded the "heavy contract, keep credit. 产品畅销31个省市、自治区,部分产品远销美国、德国、日本、韩国等国家深受国内外客户的好评。Products sold to 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and some products are exported to the United States, Germany, Japan, Korea and other countries suffer from domestic and foreign customers.