电话:0515-83287228 传真:0515-83555662 手机:13770283375 13305136664
邮箱:lygchenxs@sina.com MSN:lyg_chenxs@hotmail.com
地址:大丰市大丰港海关大楼103室 邮编:224145
China shipping agency co.,ltd belong to the China shipping group which is the second biggest ocean shipping group in China.She has branch in all Chinese ports.The China shipping agency dafeng company is the branch of the China shipping agency co.,ltd in Dafeng,and also is the only formal agency company in dafeng.
We act as agent for almost all foreign vessels call Dafeng port and i am the only agenct having the experience to serve for vessel deadweight over 10000mt in Dafeng.I gratuaded from Dalian Maritime University in 1999 and i have 11 years ship's agent experience.So i think we can offer attentive service for u n yr good vsl.
I have good relation with the port office,i can ensure earliest berthing on vsl arrival n quick dispatch in Dafeng.
Waitg good cooperatione with u.Thank you in advance.
Pls be advd our full style as following:
China shipping agency dafeng co.,ltd
Pic: Mr.Chen xiaosong
TEL:+86-515-83287228 FAX:+86-515-83555662
MOB:+86-13770283375 OR +86-13305136664
E-MAIL: lygchenxs@sina.com MSN MESSAGE: lyg_chenxs@hotmail.com
ADD: 103 Room,Customs Building,Dafeng Port Service,Dafeng City P.R.CHINA (PC:224145)