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 不干胶是一种印刷资料,不干胶标签分为两大类。一是纸张类不干胶标签,二是薄膜类不干胶标签。纸张类不干胶标签主要用于液体洗濯类产品以及群众化的个人护理产品上;目前,市场上的群众化个人护理用品及家用液洗产品占有较大比重,所以相应的纸张资料用得较多。 Dry glue is a kind of printed material. There are two kinds of labels. One is paper label, the other is film label. Paper labels are mainly used in liquid washing products and mass personal care products. At present, mass personal care products and household liquid cleaning products occupy a larger proportion in the market, so the corresponding paper materials are used more. 不同品种的资料,不同用处的标签,所运用的工艺流程也不同。普通标签印刷机为多功用设备,加工厂可依据客户的请求制定印刷加工工艺。不干胶标签印刷加工工艺流程如下 Different kinds of materials, different labels for different purposes, the process used is also different. Ordinary label printer is a multi-functional equipment. The processing plant can make printing process according to the request of customers. The printing process of the sticker label is as follows. 放卷 Unwinding 、间歇式:卷筒纸放卷时无张力变化,所以不需求调整。应用在平压平,圆压平标签机上,放卷速度慢。由于此类设备无纸张定位校正安装,请求卷筒纸端面整洁,确保印刷时套印精确。 Intermittent: There is no tension change when reel unwinding, so there is no need to adjust. It is used in flat and circular flattening label machine with slow unwinding speed. Because this kind of equipment has no paper positioning and correction installation, the end surface of web paper is required to be neat to ensure accurate overprinting during printing. 、连续式:应用在轮转型圆压圆标签机上。由于当卷筒纸直径速度变化时,纸张有张力变化,所以此安装有张力自动或手动控制机构,还有卷筒纸纠偏校正安装,以确保平稳输纸,保证印刷质量。 Continuous type: It is applied to the circular pressing label machine with wheel transformation. Because the paper tension changes when the diameter and speed of the reel paper change, there are tension automatic or manual control mechanisms installed, and the reel paper rectification and correction installation to ensure smooth paper feeding and printing quality. 烫金 Gilding 平压平:应用在圆压平,平压平标签机上,速度低。 Flattening: Used in circular flattening, flattening label machine, low speed. 圆压圆:应用在圆压圆标签印刷机上,速度快,可连续烫金,普通很少运用,普遍应用印金工艺替代烫金。 Round embossing: It is used in round embossing label printing machine. It has high speed and can be continuously bronzed. It is seldom used in general. The bronzing process is widely used instead of bronzing. 印刷 printing 平压平:合适小面积,简单图纹的印刷,如价钱标签,条形码等。 Flattening: Suitable for small area, simple pattern printing, such as price tags, bar codes, etc. 圆压平:合适带有实地的,普通图纹的标签印刷,可停止简单的彩色网目调印刷。 Round flattening: Suitable for label printing with solid, common pattern, can stop simple color mesh tone printing. 圆压圆合适各类图纹标签印刷,特别合适高层次的彩色网目调标签印刷。 Round pressing is suitable for printing all kinds of pattern labels, especially for high-level color mesh tone label printing. 印刷:在以上三种印刷方式中,加上UV枯燥后,都可印刷薄膜不干胶资料。 Printing: In the above three printing methods, with the addition of UV drying, can be printed film adhesive material. 先烫金、后印刷 First bronzing, then printing 在无UV枯燥的设备上,运用普通油墨,缺陷是印刷图案设计遭到限制。 In the non-UV drying equipment, the use of ordinary ink, the defect is that the design of printing patterns is limited. 先印刷,后烫金 Printing first, then gilding 应用在有UV枯燥安装的设备上,油墨快速枯燥后在油墨上烫金,烫金图纹恣意设计,不受油墨的限制,适用于高层次标签的印刷,是一种先进的消费工艺。 Used in equipment with UV drying installation, the ink is quickly drying and stamping on the ink. The stamping pattern is arbitrarily designed, not limited by the ink. It is suitable for printing high-level labels. It is an advanced consumer technology. 上光 Polish 实地上光:在油墨外表涂布一层上光油,目的在于维护墨层,防潮,防水以及进步外表光泽,可替代复膜工艺,采用UV枯燥方式。 On-the-spot polishing: coat a layer of polishing oil on the surface of the ink, aiming at maintaining the ink layer, moisture-proof, waterproof and improving the appearance gloss, which can replace the process of laminating and adopt the UV drying method. 复膜 Laminating 在纸张或薄膜资料上复膜,目的是维护油墨,防水,防潮,增加标签强度,增加图纹平面感。复膜分为有底纸复膜和无底纸复膜,由于后者本钱低,目前普遍采用。依据工艺的请求又有复合透明膜和亚光膜两种,前者应用较普遍。 The purpose of coating on paper or film materials is to maintain ink, waterproof, moisture-proof, increase the strength of labels, and increase the graphic sense. Composite film can be divided into two types: bottom paper and non-bottom paper. Because of the low cost of the latter, it is widely used at present. According to the process requirements, there are two kinds of composite transparent film and matte film, the former is more widely used. 打孔 Punch holes 应用不普遍,主要用于计算机打印的标签。请求是标签两侧打定位驱动孔,或标价枪上应用的标签,请求在标签中间打孔,供定位和驱动用。 The application is not universal, mainly used for computer printing labels. The request is to punch the positioning drive holes on both sides of the label, or the label applied on the javelin gun. The request is to punch holes in the middle of the label for positioning and driving. 模切 Die cutting 不干胶标签的模切为半切透工艺,即只切透外表资料而保存底纸。分为两种加工方式 The die-cutting process of the sticker label is semi-cut through, that is to say, only the appearance data are cut through and the base paper is saved. There are two kinds of processing methods. 如平式模切,合适各类标签印刷机,人工制版,本钱低,制版周期短,但粘度低,合适短版活印刷加工。目前国内标签厂简直全部采用平式模切方式。另外一种是圆式模切,应用有圆压圆标签设备上,速度快,模切粘度高,合适长版活,缺陷是制版费用大,周期长。目前国内厂家的模切辊普通都在国外加工。 For example, flat die-cutting, suitable for all kinds of label printers, manual plate-making, low cost, short plate-making cycle, but low viscosity, suitable for short-plate live printing processing. At present, almost all domestic label factories adopt flat die-cutting mode. The other is circular die-cutting, which is fast, high die-cutting viscosity and suitable for long plate life. The defect is that the plate-making cost is high and the cycle is long. At present, the die-cutting rolls of domestic manufacturers are generally processed abroad. 收纸 Paper collection 大致可分为切张收纸和折页收纸。 It can be roughly divided into cutting paper and folding paper. 济南星辉包装有限公司坐落于泉城济南,是一家集设计、包装、印刷于一体的精细化公司。主要经营:画册、彩页、宣传单、手提袋、高中低档包装盒(各种彩盒、牛皮纸盒、礼品盒)、瓦楞包装彩箱、不干胶标签、名片等各类彩印包装制品。公司以“诚信共赢-开拓创新”为经营理念,致力于为客户提供最优质的彩印包装服务。公司目前拥有行业内最专业的资深设计师,精湛的售后服务团队,成熟的包装印刷工艺,在产品的设计生产全流程中,始终坚持精益求精,确保产品质量。于此同时,我们遵循客户至上的服务理念,根据客户的独特想法和个性化要求,量身定做,为您设计出最适合的产品,达到客户产品的私人定制化。凭借着“客户就是上帝诚信缔造奇迹”的企业文化,多年来,我们坚持以客户需求为导向,通过丰富的专业知识和实践经验,不断开拓创新,积累了大量客户资源,赢得了国内外客户的一致好评。向着“做百年企业”的企业目标迈出了坚实的步伐。我们真诚希望与您的合作,相信我们的服务会令您非常满意。 地址:山东省济南市天桥区凤凰山路88号 联系人:张先生 手机: 公司传真:0159- 邮箱:9@qq.com qq:9 公司网址: 免费发布信息: 济南微信推广www.weidaoshang.com/ 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商:www.chinanovo.net/ 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商:www.cn-un.net/ 诺商基于多年的优化经验和品牌基础推出的诺商商道系统,诺商信息您身边的互联网专家! 




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