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 常见的不干胶标签品种有:热敏纸不干胶标签、铜版纸不干胶标签、镜面铜版纸不干胶标签、铝箔纸不干胶标签、激光镭射膜不干胶标签、易碎纸不干胶标签、PP不干胶标签、PET不干胶标签、PVC不干胶标签等品种。那我们今天就先来说说热敏纸不干胶标签有哪些特性?热敏标签纸是不干胶标签纸中的一种,这种标签纸的面纸是经高热敏性热敏涂层处置的纸材,纸张后面有胶层,用来粘贴固定,最下面是一层底纸,用来维护胶层,打印好后扯开底纸即可运用,底纸有普通蓝底、白底及进口格拉辛底之分,普通的热敏条码纸是不防水、不防油、可撕破的。 Common types of sticker labels are: thermal paper sticker label, copperplate paper sticker label, mirror copperplate paper sticker label, aluminium foil paper sticker label, laser film sticker label, fragile paper sticker label, PP sticker label, PET sticker label, PVC sticker label, etc. So let's talk about the characteristics of thermosensitive paper sticker labels first today. Thermal label paper is one kind of non-drying adhesive label paper. The face paper of this kind of label paper is disposed of by high thermal sensitive coating. There is a glue layer behind the paper for sticking and fixing. At the bottom of the paper, it is used to maintain the glue layer. After printing, it can be used by opening the base paper. The base paper has common blue, white and imported Graxindi. The ordinary thermal bar code paper is not defensive. Water, oil-proof, tearable. 热敏标签纸和铜版标签纸最大的区别就是:热敏标签纸不需求配合碳带运用,而普通铜版标签纸则需求配合碳带一同运用。 The biggest difference between thermal label paper and copperplate label paper is that thermal label paper does not need to be used with carbon tape, while common copperplate label paper needs to be used with carbon tape. 热敏标签纸的品种 Varieties of Thermosensitive Label Paper 目前市面上的热敏标签纸普通有:普通热敏标签纸和三防热敏标签纸之分(防水、防油、防酒精),价钱差异也很大。 At present, there are three kinds of heat-sensitive label paper on the market: ordinary heat-sensitive label paper and three kinds of heat-resistant label paper (waterproof, oil-proof, alcohol-proof). The price difference is also very large. 适用范围 Scope of application 热敏标签纸适用于超市、餐饮、酒店、银行、通讯、医院和小水果店等各行各业,由于不需求配合碳带适用,便当实惠。 Thermosensitive label paper is suitable for supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, banks, communications, hospitals and small fruit stores and other industries, because there is no need to match the application of carbon belt, it is convenient and affordable. 热敏标签纸常用规格 Common Specifications of Thermosensitive Label Paper 热敏标签纸的规格普通依据运用需求肯定,以毫米(mm)为单位,常见单个标签规格有32*19、40*30、53*30、60*65、80*50、100*70等等,最小宽度普通不小于15mm,根本上最大宽度不超越100mm,特殊规格需求定做,普通常见的规格都能满足日常运用需求。 The specifications of thermal label paper are generally confirmed according to the application requirements. In millimeter (mm) unit, the common single label specifications are 32*19, 40*30, 53*30, 60*65, 80*50, 100*70, etc. The minimum width is not less than 15 mm, the maximum width is not more than 100 mm, the special specifications are customized, and the common specifications can meet the daily application requirements. 济南星辉包装有限公司坐落于泉城济南,是一家集设计、包装、印刷于一体的精细化公司。主要经营:画册、彩页、宣传单、手提袋、高中低档包装盒(各种彩盒、牛皮纸盒、礼品盒)、瓦楞包装彩箱、不干胶标签、名片等各类彩印包装制品。公司以“诚信共赢-开拓创新”为经营理念,致力于为客户提供最优质的彩印包装服务。公司目前拥有行业内最专业的资深设计师,精湛的售后服务团队,成熟的包装印刷工艺,在产品的设计生产全流程中,始终坚持精益求精,确保产品质量。于此同时,我们遵循客户至上的服务理念,根据客户的独特想法和个性化要求,量身定做,为您设计出最适合的产品,达到客户产品的私人定制化。凭借着“客户就是上帝诚信缔造奇迹”的企业文化,多年来,我们坚持以客户需求为导向,通过丰富的专业知识和实践经验,不断开拓创新,积累了大量客户资源,赢得了国内外客户的一致好评。向着“做百年企业”的企业目标迈出了坚实的步伐。我们真诚希望与您的合作,相信我们的服务会令您非常满意。 地址:山东省济南市天桥区凤凰山路88号 联系人:张先生 手机: 公司传真:0159- 邮箱:9@qq.com qq:9 公司网址: 免费发布信息: 济南微信推广www.weidaoshang.com/ 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商:www.chinanovo.net/ 诺商商道系统,-专业互联网应用服务提供商:www.cn-un.net/ 诺商基于多年的优化经验和品牌基础推出的诺商商道系统,诺商信息您身边的互联网专家! 




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