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 保温杯打印机可以处理各种介质,在任何平面物体表面打印,快速打印和打印,一次性完成,中国的保温杯打印机,从最初的复杂操作,到现在轻松打印,从粗糙到精确从研发阶段到后期成熟应用,经过很长一段时间,由于没有统一的行业标准,每个厂家的质量参差不齐,所以选择保温杯打印机时需要特别注意。 以下是选择保温杯打印机的一些建议: Insulation cup printer can handle a variety of media, printing on any flat object surface, rapid printing and printing, one-time completion, China's insulation cup printer, from the initial complex operation, to now easy printing, from rough to accurate from the R & D stage to late mature applications, after a long time, due to the lack of uniform industry standards, the quality of each manufacturer is uneven, so the choice of insulation cup printer needs special attention. Here are some suggestions for choosing a thermos printer: 1、保温杯打印效果 检查保温杯打印机的打印效果是否非常好,最直接的方法是通过打印图片进行检查,保温杯打印机具有高精度,打印图像与设计图片相同,不会出现水平条纹,横条纹和鬼影,而是采用汉皇的保温杯打印机。它是灰度打印,而不仅仅是纯墨水。它还使印刷图形更精致,更生动,增强了图像的表现力,使其更加逼真和有影响力。 2、保温杯打印机的操作 在购买保温杯打印机之前,客户必须清楚地了解,打印样品的效果和连续打印产品的质量是一致的,并且真空杯打印机的稳定性是好的。汉皇产品与普通民用产品不同,工业级设备具有独创性。该设备已从7 * 24小时可靠性测试升级到15 * 24小时可靠性测试。 3,产品型号 保温杯打印机的规格较多,大中型都有,如果要使用保温杯打印机开发打印业务和服务项目,最好选择大幅面,因为打印机格式大,限量材料适合大批量生产。 1, the printing effect of the insulation cup printer is very good, the most direct method is to check by printing pictures, the heat preservation cup printer has high precision, the printing image is the same as the design picture, there will be no horizontal stripes, transverse stripes and ghost images, but the Han emperor's heat preservation cup printer. It is grayscale printing, not just pure ink. It also makes the printed graphics more exquisite and vivid, enhances the expressive force of the image, and makes it more realistic and influential. 2. Before purchasing a thermos printer, customers must clearly understand that the effect of printing samples is consistent with the quality of continuous printing products, and the stability of vacuum cup printers is good. Different from ordinary civil products, industrial equipment is original. The equipment has been upgraded from 7 * 24 hour reliability test to 15 * 24 hour reliability test. 3, the product model insulation cup printer has many specifications, large and medium-sized, if you want to use insulation cup printer to develop printing business and service items, it is best to choose large format, because the printer format is large, limited materials are suitable for mass production.  




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