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厂家直销cjcGFi 27/27滤芯煜炜GFi 27/27滤芯 CJC滤芯有非常优良的油品过滤工能,强纳污量和强吸水量,每一个滤芯能吸收CJC滤芯是未漂白的棉绒纤维和/或者是半化学性纤维素。 CJC 滤芯有两种。A 滤芯由半化学性纤维素制成,B 滤芯由棉绒纤维或者棉绒纤维和半化学性纤维素的混合体制成。4升的固体颗粒。 所有CJC滤芯过滤精度都是三微米。这就意味着98.7%的大于3微米的固体颗粒和大约50%的大于0.8微米的固体颗粒可以在一次过滤中被挡住。 CJC B15/25CJC B27/27 常用型号: HDU15/25 HDU 27/27 B 27/27 BG 15/25CJC滤芯有两种。A滤芯由半化学性纤维素制成,Gu’an County Yu Wei Filter Technology Co. , Ltd. specializes in the production of CJC has very good oil filter capacity, strong load and strong water absorption, each filter can absorb 4 liters of solid particles. The CJC filter element acts to remove a small amount of solid particles from the liquid or air, which can protect the normal operation of the equipment or the clean air. When the fluid enters the filter element with a certain size filter screen, its impurities are blocked, and the clean material flows out through the filter element. Because the physical and chemical properties of the CJC oil filter core also have the functions of absorption and adsorption, cjcfi27 / 27, so the working efficiency is very high, from the insoluble resin, sludge and paint precipitate degradation products and oxidation products before further reaction, you can remove them all. Once the lacquer precipitates are formed on the metal surface, the CJC oil filter core is made to order and is difficult to be removed. This sediment is very viscous and will further form a hard contaminant, forming a rough "sandpaper surface" on the metal surface, GFi27 / 27, affecting the surface quality of the quenched workpiece, uneven hardness, and accelerating the damage of other parts of the heat treatment system. In addition, the insulating nature of the lacquer deposits will reduce the efficiency of the heat exchanger and will cause obstruction to the SERVO system, the CJC oil filter, the proportional valve and the control system. The filtering effect prevents the formation of carbon deposit, oil sludge and particulate matter, and improves the surface quality and hardness of the parts. Stable quenching, keep oil pollution at a low level, reduce the replacement and cleaning, so that oil life extension 3-5 times, energy saving and consumption reduction. Avoid unplanned downtime due to cooling system (heat exchanger) failure. Reduce the risk of oil spontaneous combustion (water presence). The filter element of CJC oil filter acts as a filter element to remove a small amount of solid particles from liquid or air, which can protect the normal operation of the equipment or the clean air. When the fluid enters the filter element with a certain size filter screen, its impurities are blocked, and the clean material flows out through the filter element. CJC filter core deep filter filter filter core with a very large amount of pollution. The CJC filter requires little maintenance and has low operating costs. All CJC fine filters have a filter element with a 3um filtration accuracy that removes particles, resins, and water in one operation. 3. The removal of particles larger than 0.8 microns will be all trapped in the filter core to absorb water. Cellulose fibers inside the filter core can absorb water from the oil. The polar fiber in the filter core can absorb and retain the resin in the oil. 4. The use of CJC oil filter elements has a positive impact on your equipment maintenance budget, extended productivity, and reduced energy consumption.





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